Eventful Week
It wasn't really, but you lot are very fickle and I do realise that I am not exactly regular these days. I am advised that my home made muesli will assist with the latter (yes, toilet humour, but more about that later), but I need a headline to help with the former. Short of coming out with
I need to get your attention somehow. And yes, I do apologise for using that old faithful.
So this week has been interesting. My favourite restaurant was reviewed in the SMH Good Living last week and received a very good rating of 15/20. This is fantastic and very well deserved, although for those of us who actually want to make bookings, it is crap. You will notice that I haven't mentioned the name of the restaurant - selfish reasons, I assure you. It seats about 20-25 at a squeeze. The food is fantastic, service great, it is incredibly reasonably priced, and it is a 5 minute walk from my house. Now it will be booked out 4 weeks in advance, not just 2. I am very happy for Ross, really. Great news.
I also decided this weekend that I am completely disinterested in cricket. It may have something to do with the fact that Australia cant lose a raffle let alone a game at the moment. I did derive some considerable joy when the Poms were thrashed, and still do, just to see the resigned look of inevitability on their burnt pasty faces, but I don't want to watch the game itself. It is like watching a sick horse being bludgeoned to death using a wet newspaper. Not since the Super league fiasco have I had so little interest in an Australian sport. The only thing that could help would be if the Aussie boys played a bit more often, NBA style. we just don't see enough one-sided cricket these days.
I have decided that I need to obtain the entire set of Family Guy on DVD. A magnificent example of intelligent American humour. Yes, you read that right. Check it out NOW. This message is brought to you by Blockbuster.
Back to the toilet humour. I went to the Open Air Cinema (Lady Macquarie's Chair) and saw Kenny on Friday night. Awesome evening. Not only was the crowd pretty happy, what with it being Aussie Day and all, we had a fighter jet light up the afterburner and fly right across the skyline. I don't know whether you have been, but I don't think I have ever seen a more beautiful city skyline than Sydney on a fine summer evening from Lady Macquarie's Chair. Having a fighter jet light it up is like have a fuck-off big sparkler on your birthday cake. Or something like that.
The movie itself was very funny. I didn't expect much, but it is the most quintessential Aus. movie since The Castle. Lot's of toilet gags, but tastefully done (ok, not really, but work with me here), a swag full of Aussie sayings and one liners that could only have been bettered by my recently departed lovely Grandmother, and more portaloos than you could or would want to point, er, anything at. Check it out NOW. This might really be brought to you by Blockbuster. There is a fair chance that they will read this and give me a freeby or two, isn't there? You know, the anonymous blog that gets fewer hits than the English batting line-up...