Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Dayel 04 07 06 II

After a short while, Dayel heard some noise coming from a side passage. He stopped to listen more closely. “I think one of your friends is down there,” commented the swort. “Thanks, that is very helpful,” he thought in reply, pleased that he was getting the hang of communicating with his newfound weapon. “And here I was thinking I had found the local pub.”

“Oh great, I get found by a half-cast comedian. I better buy a lottery ticket.”
“What is a lottery ticket?” asked Dayel curiously. “Never mind,” came the thought reply, as the swort settled into a funk.

Dayel heard a lone voice coming from the passageway, and he set off slowly to investigate. As he got closer to the noise, he realised it was the voice of the martial artist. With interest, he crept slowly forward. She was moving purposefully down a tunnel, muttering to herself. “I can do this, I mean, why shouldn’t I be a good adventurer? I can adventure as well as anyone, and certainly better than that bloody dwarf. Still have a headache though, and I am sure I am getting a cold. Still, that won’t stop me…”

As Dayel followed her, she came out into a small chamber in the rock. She was caught up in her own thoughts, and seemed oblivious to her surroundings. There was one other passage coming off the side of the chamber, otherwise this seemed the end of the route. Dayel was not particularly concerned, however this quickly changed as he once again heard a voice “So Mr Sharp-Eyes, reckon she will notice the charming orc family in time?”


At 11:25 am, Blogger fingers said...

Nope...still don't get any of it...

At 11:41 am, Blogger MissE said...

Such suspense ...

Who are these orcs?


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