Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Living Good

I am sure that there are lots of people posting about the loss of Steve Irwin, and it is sad news indeed. I was never a huge fan, but had some respect for his success and passion, and the loss of a husband and father is truly terrible.

Now Steve Irwin made a dangerous living, and it is only due to his high profile that we hear more of his death than that of many other tragedies. Not that that makes it any less so. It just goes to show that you never know when your time is up, no matter how wealthy, successful or popular you are.

At the risk of this seeming like a tasteless segue, I was checking out the smh this morning and saw that they have announced the latest Good Food Guide. I used to enjoy going to top restaurants with friends. Not every week, you understand, but just every now and then, as a treat. Those nights of fun company, great food and nice wine (ok, any wine is a good start but something nice certainly helps) are some of my greatest memories. Let's face it, it is almost all about the company, and I am fortunate with my friends.

Most of those friends, however, have been breeding lately. Now that is all well and good - they are very happy, and their kids are.... their kids. For obvious reasons they tend not to socialise to the same extent as they used to, although we still catch up with bbq's, lunches, etc. It is all to easy to let things slide though, and I have been as guilty of this as any.

Here is where it comes together - we should not make excuses and put things off, assuming we will have a chance to make it up later. Whether it is nice dinners, lunch, or catching up over a few beers, we should appreciate friends now, as they are one of the greatest assets we have.


At 12:04 pm, Blogger Original Mel said...

Probably the fact you are a dirty alcoholic and they don't want you near their small children in case you drop / trip over / fall on them has something to do with it as well.

I just ruined the love in, didn't I?

At 12:07 pm, Blogger Thursday's Child said...

Heh heh heh Mel, nice work.

Damn you WJ, you just made me feel bad for being all bitter and jaded about the bloody wedding. Thanks a whole lot.

At 1:03 pm, Blogger Mex said...

there is a lot of truth in what you say. but there is also a fair bit of give and take as well.

if my friends cant make time for me then im not going to make time for them, ill see them if i have to but i would rather be spending my time in the company of people who want to. not people who feel obliged to.

At 3:38 pm, Blogger fingers said...

Here's an idea.
Why don't you all go out for dinner some time...

At 5:41 pm, Blogger mushroom said...

Cant make it, have to look after the kids

At 5:50 pm, Blogger fingers said...

And I've got to test the batteries in my smoke detector...

At 6:15 pm, Blogger WJ said...

Hmmm, so you noticed the drinking thing huh?

You do realise I can give it up any time I like. Annny time.

At 10:56 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes, and it can be hard to stay friends with people when they're in a different country and never ever email you...

*glares around meaningfully*

At 5:01 pm, Blogger mushroom said...

I dont even have you email?? *mopes*

At 11:46 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

W has it - I'd be happy for her to pass it on to you, Shrooms.

: )

At 7:26 am, Blogger Thursday's Child said...

Will do SB :)


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